Celebrate Latinx Heritage Month
Dear friends:
Latinx people are the fastest growing ethnic group in the US and add some much to our culture in terms of language, food, music, dance, literature, education and countless other spheres. Latinx people will also play a critical role in the upcoming elections.
Latinx Heritage Month (September 15-October 15) honors the contributions of Latinx people and their struggle for liberation both here in the US and in their countries of origin. The celebration begins in the middle of the month to coincide with the national independence days of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica (all celebrated on September 15), Mexico on September 16, Chile on September 18 and Belize on September 21. SCW embraces the term “Latinx” to support those seeking to delegitimize patriarchy and support inclusion of non-binary, gender non-conforming and gender-expansive people. “Latinx” also centers the lives of indigenous, Brazilian and other non-Spanish speaking people in this celebration.
¡Juntes si se puede!
Andy Mager
for SCW
PS: In addition to the spanish language products linked above, we have a growing selection of items with the striking artwork of Mexican-American artist Rafael López.