
Ready for Something Fresh?

Sell our inspiring, green, socially-conscious products to support your work.

FOUR EASY WAYS TO FUNDRAISE WITH OUR PRODUCTS: Our wholesale discounts vary by product category. See Wholesale Discount Chart for full wholesale discount information by product category.

  • Purchase Products to Sell at your events, school, holiday bazaar, conference or ongoing events. This can be quick and easy. You purchase products are our wholesale discount rate. Note: products are not returnable, except calendars.

  • Recruit your members/supporters to sell items to friends, coworkers, neighbors and family using our current catalog and/or website (similar to girls scout cookie sales - but less sugar and many more options!). We’ll send catalogs and other startup materials. This can raise more money by having members, students, etc. sell to their families, neighbors and more. See the forms below for more information about how to make this work. You purchase products are our wholesale discount rate.

  • Sell our Calendars and/or Holiday Cards. Our 2025 Peace Calendar and 2025 Women Artist Datebook (engagement) as well as a beautiful selection of Holiday cards are all great sellers. Many groups buy in bulk and sell them in the fall as very successful fundraisers. You purchase products are our wholesale discount rate.​

  • Partner with us for an online sale of our products. We create a custom image with an appropriate product mix for you to send to your email list(s), post on your website and share on share on your social media channels, though you creating a reel would be more engaging! Your members, supporters and their friends click on the link and shop on our website (your custom code is automatically entered on our website through the link). People make their purchases, we send them their products and at the end of the sale (typically 30-60 days), we send you a check for 20% of the gross sales from your folks. This method requires a significant commitment to share the sale information via email lists, social media, website, etc. to encourage sales.  This only makes sense for you (and for us) if you're able to generate a significant number of sales (at least 20).

Many groups successfully combine these methods. Schools or congregations, for example, provide opportunities for the same people to meet regularly, a sales table can be maintained and orders taken over time and they have email lists too! OUR PRODUCTS are educational, inspiring, affordable and of high quality – exactly what you’re looking for to raise much-needed funds. OUR DISCOUNTS provide your group or organization with a high profit potential. With our products you earn 30-50%, significantly more than the 10-30% profit offered by many other programs.


    Here’s what you need for catalog sales: For QUESTIONS or assistance, CONTACT: Andy Mager, 315.474.1132 ext. 22,