Check Out Our New Products!
We've added some great new items – buttons, stickers, postcards, T-shirts, Flags and more.
Don't Ever Give Up (art by Black Rabbit Studio / Cayetano Valenzuela ©2024)
Available as a button, sticker and T-shirt.
Defeat the Day One Dictator (Northern Sun) This is part of our growing collection of products to support the broad movement to be sure that Donald Trump remains on the sidelines and can't take power.
Earth Who Gives (Art: Karen Kerney/SCW ©2024 Text: Bountiful Baby Purees, by Anni Daulter)
Gratitude enhances our well-being individually and collectively. Let’s remember all that goes into providing us with healthy food. Also available as a mini poster.
#Earth #gratitude #dontevergiveup #culturalworker #syracuseculturalworkers