Down Ballot Elections Are Also Key
Dear Friend:
While the very important Presidential election is getting most of the attention, it's important to remember that what happens in Congress and in state and local elections will also deeply affect our future.
If Kamala Harris is elected President, having people she can work with in both the House and Senate will be critical for moving forward on key issues such as protect abortion rights, taxing the wealthy in order to fund key programs to help people improve their lives, addressing the climate crisis and so much more. Democratic control of Congress will also mean that strong social movements (if we continue to build and support them) can press more effectively for bolder policy change.
If somehow Trump gets back into the White House (what's the secular version of “God Forbid”?), a Democratic majority in one or both houses can help limit the damage that Trump and his Republican minions are able to carry out.
Here in Syracuse, we can play an important role by defeating our right-wing Republican representative Brandon Williams. Lawn signs for his opponent, John Mannion, are available here in our office. Like Kamala Harris, there are important issues on which we disagree with Mannion, but we think it's critical to keep an eye on the big picture and support those who can help us move in the right direction despite important differences.
We hope you'll find ways to use our resources to support democracy, human rights and peace in the elections affecting your community as well.
In struggle,
Andy Mager
SCW Coordinator