Honor Indigenous Peoples' Day - October 14, 2024
Dear friend:
With Indigenous Peoples' Day just around the corner (October 14 this year), now is a great time to explore resources to help you honor this important day.
In recent years, hundreds of cities, towns and states have abandoned the colonial vision of Columbus Day to celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day as a first step toward acknowledging the devastation inflicted on the Indigenous Peoples of this continent. To be meaningful, those calendar changes need to be accompanied by concrete action for justice, healing and to protect Mother Earth.
Syracuse Cultural Workers is honored to operate on the territory of the Onondaga Nation, Firekeepers of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Since our founding we have collaborated with Onondaga citizens and leaders to lift up their voices and call on our people to honor the treaties which have been made and then broken for centuries.
Honoring Indigenous Peoples' Day is one small step in that long effort for justice, healing and reconciliation.
In solidarity,
Andy Mager
for SCW