Shelter from the Sun
Summertime is usually the hottest time of the year here in the North, but climate change is leading to record-breaking and dangerous heat across the globe, along with flooding and terrible wildfires. It's a dire situation which we must face with honesty, courage and bold action.
Use our products to help you keep a little bit cooler – and remind people about our responsibility to the Earth and one another.
Sunbuster: Our colorful piece of artwork that keeps your car cooler (and conserves energy) with a beautiful Earth-friendly message. Be sure to park in a way that maximizes the visibility! Collapsible, 24x52” recycled and recyclable cardboard. Art by Kit Tossmann.
SCW Hat: Our logo hat is made out of organic cotton and embroidered by a small business in Syracuse (hat made in China). SCW's colorful logo, created by Bonnie Acker many years ago, graces the front of our quality, organic cotton hat. Solid brass adjuster, one size fits all. Modeled by Onondaga Nation faithkeeper Oren Lyons who has been warning us about the perils of a changing climate for many decades (here's a short video from 2008). Four of Oren's pieces of artwork are also available from SCW (both signed and unsigned).
Learn more about climate change and what you can do!
Andy Mager
for SCW