We Can Resist Fascist Liars
We are just seven weeks into the Trump regime's shock and awe campaign. They seek to sow chaos and division hoping to overwhelm us with so many outrageous actions simultaneously, enabling them to concentrate power and carry out their authoritarian plans.
Without sustained, persistent and bold organizing and resistance, they will be successful. Each of us has a responsibility to find the courage to do what we can in our lives – where we work, study, pray or recreate and through coming together collectively. Here’s my best thinking, based on decades of community organizing.
Don’t act out of fear and panic – we need to be thoughtful and strategic, while also acting quickly to intervene.
Join or initiate collective campaigns to stand up for democratic values, protect those most targeted and work for equity, justice and a sustainable future. Demonstrate, march, boycott and engage in nonviolent direct action.
There are many specific issues under threat, from the human rights of immigrants to a quickly warming planet to efforts to repair the harm from centuries of racism. Focus your energy where you feel the most passion and can best contribute.
Lend support – emotional, practical and material to people in your community – and practice mutual aid. Listen to the pain of immigrants facing deportation or trans youth in fear and offer assistance as you are able.
Pressure public officials – demand that they protect their constituents and stand for justice, let them know when you’re upset by their actions and that you appreciate it when they stand up.
Organize support for candidates in local races who will work with us to protect democracy and our communities.
The coming months and years will be difficult and there will be continued, and in some cases, escalating suffering. We can’t stop all of it, but if we act out of love and compassion, we can defend much of what is important and lay the foundation for deeper change in the years and decades to come.
Andy Mager
for SCW